Admission Committee

The Admission Committee decides on applications and advises the General Board on admitting experts to the register.

Mr. E.P. Nas (chairman)
Ernst-Paul Nas is director Legislation and Legal Affairs at the ministry of Economic Affairs.
Mw. mr. J.S. Veltman (secretary)
Julia Veltman is  an independent legal advisor and advices entrepreneurs in the field of  labour law, contract law and privacy law.
Ing. P. van der Hoogt
Peter van der Hoogt works as a consultant at the StAB, Stichting Advisering Bestuursrechtspraak (The Foundation of Independent Court Experts in Envorinmental and Planning Law).

The committee will (ad hoc) ask assistance of one or more experts of a specific discipline when they need it to come to a recommendation.

You can send the committe an e-mail at  cvt @