
In 2005 the Stichting Landelijk Register van Gerechtelijke Deskundigen (LRGD, national register of judicial experts) was founded with the intention to contribute to an elevation of the quality of judicial evidence in legal proceedings by managing a public register of judicial experts who have been educated to fulfil their assignments adequately.
Prof. Hans Crombag’s valedictory address 'Rechters en Deskundigen' (9-2000, Maastricht University, Judges & Experts)  started a debate which led to  the demands of higher and more specific requirements from experts. The Stichting Deskundigen en Rechtspleging (foundation experts and legal proceeding) and the Raad voor de Rechtspraak (Council for  the Judiciary) dedicated themselves to initiate an oficial education programme for judicial experts. In 2004 the Post Academic education started at the Leiden University, Faculty of Law, where experts with all kinds of expertise receive training to prepare to work as judicial experts.

The demand for a register with these educated judicial experts was clear. Since 2007 Judges , lawyers and concerned parties can easily search the public register of the LRGD, and find the appropriate judicial expert.

10 years LRGD Experts
Since the first registrations in January 2007 the number of registered expert experts has grown from 60 to approxinately 300. The LRGD applies high standards to ensure that registered experts are able to deliver competent and independent report. That is why the LRGD has established a key position within the judicial system. Some fields of technical experts wish to include their register completly at the LRGD.

The LRGD makes also an effort to elevate the quality of judicial evidence in legal proceedings in Europe by its membership of the EEEI (European Expertise and Expert Institute) and is collaborating in several projects.

The LRGD organizes an annual symposium about topical issues.