The Supervisory Board advises the General Board of the LRGD on policy, especially on matters concerning the requirements concerning quality of the registered experts. The Supervisory Board deals with objections to decissions of the General Board with regard to the admission of experts to the register and the removal of experts from it, and conduct conforming to the relevant regulation.
The Supervisory Board also advises the General Board on the appointment of persons to boards and committees.
Prof. mr. H. Franken (chairman)
Hans Franken is professor Information Law at Leiden University.
Mrs mr. A.T. Dalen Gilhuijs
Sascha Dalen Gilhuijs is director of StAB, The Foundation of Independent Court Experts in Envorinmental and Planning Law.
Mr. L.F.A. Husson
Bert Husson was until his retirement court justice in The Hague and chairman of the Arbitration Committee of the NBA, chairman of the Arbitration Committee of the Bar, teacher at the course Legal Expert at the Leiden University, also chairman of the examining board, and
chairman of the Central Disciplinary Board. Currently he is chairman of the committee of appeal at the Board of Legal Assistance, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NVIO, chairman of the Advisory Committee Beter Leven Keurmerk and repetitor at the course Legal Expert at Leiden University.
Prof.dr. H.L.G.J. Merckelbach
Merckelbach is professor Psychology and Law at Maastricht University. His research concerns memory in court and specifically on the way that eye-witnesses report on what they say they saw and how the accused simulate loss of memory. Merckelbach wrote De Leugenmachine (2011) on this subject. He is member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW- Royal Dutch Academy of Science). Merckelbach also serves on the Advisory Committe Closed Criminal Cases (Adviescommissie Afgesloten Strafzaken).