Need for experts
The judiciary, the legal profession and parties seeking justice are starting to call upon forensic expertise on an increasing basis. This trend is a result of the increasing complexity of the subject matter involved in cases, and the size of financial interests at stake for the parties concerned. Therefore the need for investigations by skilful experts is rising dramatically. Experts registered with the LRGD are familiar with the legal and compliance requirements of such assignments and what is expected of them as experts.
Looking for a judicial expert?
It can be difficult to know which expert is most appropriate for a particular case, and this makes the search for the right expert difficult. The person selected must not only be an expert in the requested field but also someone who is able to conduct a full investigation, analyse data and report on the results in the appropriate manner.
Register of experts in the legal process
Since it was founded in 2007, the Stichting Landelijk Register van Gerechtelijke Deskundigen (LRGD; foundation of the national register of judicial experts) has managed the register for experts who are recognised as being competent in carrying out investigations and reporting on the results within the context of criminal, civil and administrative law proceedings. The register includes experts who are proficient in a range of disciplines, from (forensic) accountancy to engineering, from business valuation to toxicology, and from information technology to environmental issues.