LRGD in de EU

Shaping Expertise across European Justice systems

The LRGD is represented in the European Expertise and Expert Institute (EEEI) as an Institutional member (Member Legal Experts' Association). 
"In a world that is dominated by new technologies, the full effects of which we have yet to discover, developed societies have adopted a policy based on the precautionary principle. Politicians appoint expert committees, and judges call on experts to assist them in their judicial proceedings. The role of expertise in contemporary society should thus be analysed in depth. The European Expertise and Expert Institute was founded in November 2006 to achieve this objective. "

EU Projects
The EEEI is involved in projects in the field of research work on the topic of forensice expertise in Europe.
More information on projects of the EEEI

Institutional and individual members of EEEI
The EEEI has institutional members as well as individual members.

For information how te become an institutional member please contact us.
Entitlements and application information for individual members can be found here.